Starting with an hour long special where LeBron announced he was taking his "talents to South Beach", the hype associated with the Miami Heat by the NBA and especially Disney owned ESPN and ABC has been unprecedented. How many specific teams does ESPN have a webpage dedicated? Just one as far as I know.
So how are the rest of us supposed to ignore these facts as we watch the playoffs without wondering about the integrity of the game? I mean it doesn't take more than a couple calls to change a game...get Derrick a second foul in the first quarter like we saw in Game 2 and he goes the bench. Call an offensive charge on Boozer instead of a blocking foul on LeBron and that takes Carlos and not LeBron out of the game too. Make a questionable over the back call on Joakim for his second and he's gone either mentally or physically if not both like we saw in Game 3.
If you don't think a couple calls in a close game can make all the difference in the outcome, then you just don't watch enough games. Of course there are other factors like stupid interior passes like Derrick made to LeBron to seal Game 3 or Luol did earlier in the game, blown lay-ups or tip-ins, or losing a ball out of bounds, but the refs and NBA can't really control that...they certainly CAN and DO control the officiating...I mean I know the refs are supposed to be scrutinized following each game, but by who? And if they're told ahead of time how to call a game..."let em play" like Game 1 or "call it tight" like Games 2 & 3...that changes the entire complexion of the game. As we all saw, the "let em play" officiating greatly benefits the non-whiner Bulls because LeBron and Wade are used to getting a TON of calls to go their way and when they don't, they struggle just as they did in Game 1...when the game is called tight and they can get to the line 8+ times each, they usually win those games.
I was thrilled with the old school Eastern Conference Finals officiating in Game 1 that allowed the PLAYERS to determine the outcome of the game, but for whatever reason (and this was my fear going into Game 2), starting with Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals (ya, the one where Dirk was 24-for-24 and the Thunder shot 43 FTs), the refs went to the tight calls because NBA fans really like watching a free throw parade rather than watching the best athletes in the world make athletic plays that the rest of us can't do. I can stand in a gym and make 8-of-10 FTs; heck one night a few years ago, just messing around, I dropped 31 straight FTs...what I can't do is dunk an offensive rebound in traffic...THAT is what I want to see! That is what makes the NBA amazing...isn't that their theme? NBA: Where Amazing Happens! Well I'm sorry, but amazing isn't done at the FT line.
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